Minggu, 25 Desember 2011


Read the text carefully.

Suwei and The Bird
Suwei lived in a poor village. One day, as he was working on his farm. He prayed silently. “Please let in rain,” he said. “Some of my vegetables are dying.”
Suddenly a bird fell at Suwei’s feet. It was hurt. Suwei took it home and nursed it. Each day it got better and better. One day it flapped its wings impatiently.
Suwei opened the cage. “Goodbye, little bird,” he said sadly. “I shall miss you.” The little bird flew away.
The next day Suwei saw the bird again. It flew over him and dropped a seed into his garden.
The next morning Suwei had a pleasant surprise. A tree stood in his garden. Gold leaves were hanging from all its branches.
Suwei ran through the streets shouting. “ My tree has got gols leaves!” Most of the neighbours followed Suwei to his house. Some of them were curious. Other thought he was mad. Suwei shared the gold leaves with his neighbours. Soon the tree was bare but Suwei was happy. It was raining at last.

a. Answer the questions.

1. What was Surwei’s job?
2. Where did Suwei keep the bird?
3. Why did Suwei set the bird free?

b. Answer the questions true or false.

4. ____ Suwei lived in a poor
5. ____ The next day Suwei saw the bird again.
6. ____ Suwei shared the gold leaves with his wife.

c. Find the words which have the same meanings as these words.

7. ____ not rich. a. silently
8. ____ empty. b. poor
9. ____ quietly. c. bare
10. ____ look after a sick person. d. nursed

Fuel Price Must Be Dropped
Government should cancel the rise of fuel price done in the beginning of October 2005. Most of Indonesian people badly beg it for some basic reasons.
First, for industry, the rise of fuel price will increase their production cost because they must pay more for fuel and electricity used in the process of production. Consequently, it will raise the selling price for the product. If the product price is increased, it will be hard for the product to compete with the goods from other countries. The export will decrease rapidly and government will lose the income from exporting goods.
Second, for workers, the rise of fuel price will force the company where they work to limit the budget to low the production cost. One of the ways that is usually done by the employees of a company is by cutting of the number or workers. It means hundreds even thousands of workers will lose their jobs. The jobless people will increase instability of nations because they will do whatever they can do to get some money, even by doing crime. What a dreadful nightmare!
Thirdly, for ordinary people. They must manage their finance to survive because the rise of the fuel rice will increase the price of their basic need’s price. They have to find alternative ways to survive; reducing the meals, postponing the buying of unnecessary things. This is the worst.
Based on the facts above, considering the negative impact of the rise of the fuel price above, government must cancel the rise and try to find other ways to cover the lack of the national budget by not cutting the subsidy of fuel.

How well did you read>>>
Answer the following questions

11. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
12. Why do people mostly reject the increasing of fuel price?
13. What causes the export will decrease rapidly?
14. What is the meaning of “what a dreadful nightmare”? Gie your opinion!
15. They have to find alternative ways. The word which underlined is refer to...

Analyze the sentences below than choose (T) if it is true and (F) if it is false.

16. Government should cancel the rise of fuel price done in the begining of December (T/F)
17. The production’s cost will get higher for industry (T/F)
18. The company won’t cut of the number of workers if there no rising for the fuel price (T/F)
19. One alternatie to surie from economic isssue is postponing the buying of unnecessary things (T/F)
20. People agree for the rise of fuel price (T/F)

c. Match the words to their antonyms
21. Increase a. Buy
22. Sell b. Decrease
23. Drop c. Pick up
24. Hard d. Soft

Match the words to their synonyms
25. Decrease a. Organize
26. Jobless b. Delaying
27. Postpone c. Abrogated
28. Manage d. Reduce
29. Cancel e. Unemployment

Find teh word which has similar meaning based on the text
30. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exist, remain, sustain
31. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assembly, association, group
32. _ _ _ _ _ Cost, charge, amount
33. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Awful, fearful, terrific
34. _ _ _ _ Improvement, adance, increase
35. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Battle, challenge, fight